Men også Fever Ray kigger forbi.
Fra Fever Ray har vi netop modtaget denne lille teaser for deres nye kostumer af Andreas Nielson (Art & Stage work for bl.a. The Knife):
Its been medieval times for a while now. Nasdaq have been suffering. The banks and the investors. Fever Ray have been suffering as well. Things have been shit. But Fever Ray rises on 9. Like Wall Street Zombies they are now back to juice out the last drips of humanity. Led by the taskmaster Karin, the warlords of monetary jungle are ready to give you a last piece of monotonic bourgeois joy before you and the world around you implode.
Og så et par uhyggelige billeder:
Der er bestemt dømt stilskifte, nu er det så spændende at se om laseren også er udskiftet?? Hør mere om dette om en uges tid...
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